AmazingTalker reviews about our online Liberal Studies tutors

97 students reviews on AmazingTalker

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wrote toTeacher Stirling

24/08/2024 11:53:51 AM
Teacher Stirling cooking classes are great, and he can teach me how to use healthy ingredients and easy-to-understand cooking methods. I recommend his classes to everyone. Stirling 老師的烹飪課程很棒,他使用健康的食材和易於理解的烹飪方法教料理。我推薦給大家。

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

02/06/2022 11:09:21 PM
love this lecture

wrote toYIHUI

16/01/2024 9:14:17 AM
🧋🧋🧋奶茶聯盟🧋🧋🧋 太有趣了😃

wrote to陳柏安 翻訳家🖌 翻訳学修士号🦉言語の使い用を知ろう 🇯🇵🇹🇼

28/04/2023 10:23:48 PM

wrote to陳柏安 翻訳家🖌 翻訳学修士号🦉言語の使い用を知ろう 🇯🇵🇹🇼

09/04/2023 12:42:43 PM
老師教得很好, 非常用心。謝謝!

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wrote to陳柏安 翻訳家🖌 翻訳学修士号🦉言語の使い用を知ろう 🇯🇵🇹🇼

04/02/2023 5:28:42 PM

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

29/12/2022 3:45:52 PM

wrote to陳柏安 翻訳家🖌 翻訳学修士号🦉言語の使い用を知ろう 🇯🇵🇹🇼

03/12/2022 2:40:14 PM
老師很有自信 非常照顧學生要求

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

22/10/2022 10:34:11 PM

wrote toDanzo🌳聽見你心裡的聲音🌳就讓我與你一起解開生活的死結💯

12/09/2022 10:40:15 PM

wrote toDanzo🌳聽見你心裡的聲音🌳就讓我與你一起解開生活的死結💯

08/09/2022 5:52:14 AM

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

23/08/2022 10:49:33 PM

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

08/08/2022 10:13:32 AM

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

10/07/2022 5:47:27 PM

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

15/04/2022 2:56:18 PM
本身是研究員,近期需要進行口頭分享結案報告,幸好有Tiffany老師的教學與調整,在最後的結果上得到許多好評,讓我增加很多信心!分享這次聽Tiffany老師講課我最有收穫的3個地方: 1. 進行講評時,Tiffany老師溫柔的先點出在練習當中我做得很好的地方,讓我知道我至少可以把握住的部分。 2. Tiffany老師客觀分析我的表達方式從聽取簡報者的角度會是何種感受,如何敘事會更好吸收,甚至是幫助我把複雜想法拆解成簡單直白的語句,讓我同理台下的視角,進行調整。 3. Tiffany老師在課堂最後進行心態的建立,幫助我在緊張無助的無數次練習中、講台上,都還記得老師的提醒,把注意力拉回自己身上,專注在自己的表達,而不是擔心他人的反應,心態建立的幫助真的是關鍵! 身為研究員,研究成果的展現才是整個做研究的過程中最畫龍點睛的步驟,否則整份報告做得再高深,令人難以吸收就毫無用武之地了,真的很感謝Tiffany老師的幫助,讓我完成一場完整又精要的精彩演說!🙏🏻

wrote toTiffany✨ 7 year bilingual experience🔥 1000 hr presentation, host skill training

22/03/2022 7:14:37 PM

wrote to陳柏安 翻訳家🖌 翻訳学修士号🦉言語の使い用を知ろう 🇯🇵🇹🇼

04/01/2022 10:09:07 PM
老師 在上翻譯課前,會要求學生熟悉一些單字,讓學生翻譯過程順利,有利學生了解翻譯的內容。老師真的很具備翻譯的素養。 翻譯的過程中,老師也會耐心引導學生翻譯該注意的地方。 陳老師是位兼具專業素養和耐心的翻譯家😇

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4 reasons to learn on AmazingTalker

Flexible schedulingBook and attend classes on your schedule
Lessons made for youCustomize lessons for your specific needs
Pay as you goNo contracts – buy lessons only when you need them
Outstanding tutorsChoose from highly qualified tutors around the globe

How it works

Find a tutor and get in touchBrowse tutors and see their background, experience and student feedback.
Message a tutor and let them know your needs.
Choose a time and book a classOnce you’ve bought a lesson, choose a time slot and book your class.
Cancel or reschedule up to 12 hours before your class.
Learn when you want, from where you wantTake the lesson anywhere you want with your mobile device or computer.
When it's time for your lesson, load your class via Zoom and start learning!

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Online Classes FAQ
Q1. Why should I learn on AmazingTalker?

AmazingTalker’s one-on-one tutoring services are ideal for everyone who wants to learn efficiently and effectively. We have professional tutors for toddlers, small children, older kids, middle and high school students, and adults of all levels, including tutors for beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

Our tutoring services can help you improve in all aspects of the language - listening, writing, reading, speaking, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. You can also customize your lesson focus (e.g., a business programs). Whether your goal is to improve your conversation skills for fun, prepare for a test or speak more fluently at work, AmazingTalker's tutors are here to help.
Q2. Who are our tutors?

AmazingTalker handpicks only the best local and international tutors.

Each prospective instructor must undergo a rigorous selection process before becoming an AT tutor, after which their performance is constantly monitored. Try a class and start learning today.
Q3. How do I choose my tutor?

If you have a clear idea of your criteria for choosing a tutor - such as any specific learning objectives, target cost for tutoring, etc. - you can use the search function to quickly find a tutor who suits your needs, and select “book trial” to set up your first online lesson.

If you don't have time to find a tutor or aren't sure where to start, we can help with recommendations. Try using our tutor recommendation tool here, which will provide you with tutor matches according to your selected needs.
Q4. What's the right learning environment for me? Should I choose a tutor who is a native speaker?

One of the best ways to learn is to immerse yourself in an environment where you try to use only .

However, if you do not currently have a solid base in spelling and/or vocabulary, we recommend you choose a bilingual tutor who speaks your target language and your native language, as you will likely have a better learning experience during your one-on-one private tutoring.

If you have a good range of vocabulary but lack the opportunity to practice, then we recommend you choose a native tutor.
Q5. Learn in the US - how do I find a local or online tutor?

You're in the right place. We have local tutors serving New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and most other areas nationwide, as well as numerous tutors based internationally.
Q6. How much will my online class cost?

All tutoring fees are set by the tutors themselves, and not by AT. Most of our tutors charge USD$10-30 per hour.

You can also get matched with suitable tutors who fit a specific budget. If the tutor’s fees work for you, you can buy a lesson package from them or start with a “trial lesson.”
Q7. How do I pay for my lessons?

You can pay with PayPal or credit card (American Express, Mastercard, or Visa). For certain international markets (e.g. Taiwan), we also accept local methods of payment, such as payment via ATM or convenience store.
Q8. How many lessons should I purchase?

If you have a short term goal, we recommend you purchase enough lessons that you can take classes consistently within your timeframe. If you need significant improvement to reach your goal, we recommend you an adequate number of lessons, and get into the habit of regular weekly learning! The more you put in, the more you get out of it!
Q9. What if I have more questions?

Our FAQs page should have answers to most of your questions. If you can't find the answer to your question on the FAQs page, you can contact us by clicking the red question mark (?) icon at the bottom right of your screen.