Graduated in Trinity College of London (Masters). Currently active member of The University of Manchester Symphony Orchestra and Manchester String Orchestra. Joined the Aberystwyth Philomusica and Aberystwyth Wind Band. Over 20 years of music experiences. Over 6 years of teaching experiences. Have been learning, practising and expertising in music all my life. More like an exchange in music between music lovers rather than boring lessons. Provide violin, pop vocal, piano, basic saxophone and recorder tuition. Able to teach different genres or music, such as classical, popular, jazz, country , rock etc.
Introducing the easiest way to grasp the basic music skills in just a few lessons, in focus of performance-level, advanced pop and classical violin, pop singing, classical piano, basic saxophone and recorder.
1. Recognising notes and chords by ear
2. Learning to sing accurately and reliably in tune
3. Tightening up your sense of rhythm and learning to read and write rhythms
4. Gaining rock-solid musical confidence to perform and collaborate in music
Over 20 years of music experiences:
Organization: The University of Manchester Symphony Orchestra ,Manchester String Orchestra, Aberystwyth Philomusica,
Nature of Work: First Violinist
Organization: Aberystwyth University Wind Band
Nature of work: Saxophonist
Nature of work: Private Music Tutor
Employment type: Self-employed