🇺🇸 Former White House Correspondent | Member of the White House Correspondent Association | The first female Taiwanese Journalist obtaining the White House Hard Pass
🎓 Columbia University (LL.M.) | Peking University (Masters of Economic Law) | National Taiwan University (Double Major in Law and Economics)
🏆 TOEFL Scholarship | TOEIC 990 | Ranked NO.1 in the National Taiwan University Exchange Student Program Nomination | Taipei First Girls' High School English Course exempted
☑️TOEIC Reading
- Available resources for mock tests and prep questions
- Customized classes for each of your needs
- Both in-class and out-of-class practice methods available
- Methods to help you remember all that grammar and vocabulary
☑️College/ High School Entrance Exam
- Help boost your scores in 3 months
- Professional teaching methods
- Test prep with REAL and MOCK exam questions
- Out-of-class materials for reading and grammar
- WRITING tips and logic training
- Resourceful tips and methods to find the right answer every time!
- Diligence is key. If assignments are given, please have them ready by the next session.
- Classes are expected to be completed on time.
- Classes scheduled within 12 hrs cannot be rescheduled. Please show up on time.
- One standard class is 50 minutes. Feel free to contact me for other time availabilities!
- Classes that are cancelled too late (within 12 hours of scheduled time) or not present within 15 minutes of class time will be considered unexcused absences, and hence not be available for refund or rescheduling.
- Contact me if you need to reschedule. I will do my best to help, but if I have no available time slots or if you cannot reschedule and finish the make-up class within 1 week, the right to make-up the class will be considered forfeit.